Survival Spanish (seeking help, medical emergencies, how to handle common travel problems)
Extra tips of Colombian culture + security travel tips+ recommendations of best restaurants, street food, bars, nightclubs, and neighbourhoods from a native .
What to expect and what NOT to expect ¿Qué esperar y qué NO esperar?
To speak the basics/ Hablar lo básico
Understand the basics/ Entender lo básico
Read it and pronounce it correctly /Leerlo y pronunciarlo correctamente.
Ask for help and solve basic problems / Pedir ayuda y solucionar problemas básicos.
Approach to Latin American culture/ Aproximación a la cultura latina
Speak it fluently/ Hablarlo fluídamente
Undestand convesations / Entender conversaciones
Talk in other tense, other than present/ Hablar en otro tiempo diferente al presente
Understand the Latin American culture/ Entender la cultura latinoamericana
Spanish Masterclass
Masterclase de Español
$130 USD
8 Classes in total/ 8 Clases en total
4 Pre- recorded classes/ 4 Clases pregrabadas
4 One on one online classes/ 4 Clases uno a uno online